Google Chrome Complete Offline Installer Latest 2012

I was helping a friend here at work and I had to open his browser. I fired up Google Chrome and was like …. OMG!!! this is very oooold version of Chrome, with its blue interface…….
But, why is he using Chrome v.6 when there is an auto updater for Chrome keeping everyone on the latest version? Uh, he is inside our corporate network and the auto update is disabled. I’ve been using an alternate method to keep my Chrome up-to-date on my work PC.
So, that’s the method I want to share with you today. It is nothing but downloading a complete set up file for offline installation. How is this different from the normal Chrome installation? I’ll tell you.
howto  Download Google Chrome Complete Offline Installer Latest
Chrome Offline File
When you download Chrome using the normal link, it downloads a small file and then when you run that, that little program downloads rest of the stuff you need and completes the installation. When your network is blocking this download, you need the complete file for your computer to installation to take place, otherwise, it will get stuck half way.

You will need the complete set up file if you are installing Chrome without an internet connection. You can download this the file from the link I am going to share here to download Chrome on a different computer, copy it to the one where you need it installed without internet connection.

Links To Download Complete Offline Installer 2012


Updating Existing Installation With Offline Installer

It is possible to update or upgrade your current Google Chrome installation to the latest version using this method.
  1. First, download the file of your choice.
  2. Close Google Chrome.
  3. Run the Setup file.
  4. Open Chrome when completed.
  5. Check the version of Chrome now (from settings wrench menu, click “about chrome”)
  6. Follow this method each time there is an update to Chrome
Hope you learned something useful today. Please let me know if you have any comments/suggestions/questions. If you use Google plus, give me a plus one!!

Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer